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The Fan - Hunter Davies

The Fan

Hunter Davies

Pub. November 2003
ISBN 1-904590-02-0

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The Fan is a collection of very personal, unusual pieces about his life as a supporter. He observes football in its sovereignty of the late 1900s and early 2000s and tackles the big topics of the day: Beckham's haircuts, high finance, the price of pies, the size of match day programmes, the enormous wages, the influence of Sky TV, England's numerous managers.

Along the way, he also lets us into his home life, in London and the Lake District, his family, his work, his tortoise, his poorly knee (caused by too much Sunday football).

Originally published in the New Statesman magazine, The Fan catches Davies at his very best and most amusing. It will appeal to supporters of any age, sex and loyalties. The ultimate bedside football book.

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