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Tue January 21st 2025 

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The Rosenbergs

The Rosenbergs - Ameripop Ameripop


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Time WarpListen To Sample / Will U Drive Me? / Leech / Soaked In PolyesterListen To Sample /
Keep It To Yourself / Paris MorningListen To Sample / Glossary

The Lord of the House of Pomona, he say:

"Heard them first on a sampler thing. I imagined four Buddy Hollys in a line. I thought they would be really specky and skinny. Got the pictures and they looked just normal. The singer Dave wore make-up (eye-liner), though it looked like his mum had painted him up. My sister had a Girls's World doll's head thing when she was little. When she was six she was better at applying make-up than Dave Fagen's mum.

They came over to the UK and were brilliant live, dead funny and powerful and unpretentious. They've buggered off now and signed for a (sort of) grown-up label. They deserve a break because they work so bloody hard. They like taking on the world and slapping the music industry about (Go Rosenbergs).

Ameripop is the happiest LP ever, ever recorded. It's a shame Power Pop Bobby left them. We like rotund guitarists and the girlies had a thing for Travis on drums who also seems to have been cut and pasted into somewhere else. Great drummer. Sadly missed.

Onwards though, lads. 'Mission: You' (their latest album) is OK too, but we got you when you were best. They even (on Ameripop) ran Fountains of Wayne damn close and they're the Gods of all that stuff."

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